Saturday, February 27, 2010


I have discussed this with two others and I know I'm not alone, so allow me to rant. On Facebook , I've been annoyed fairly recently by lovey-dovey status updates or posts on each other's wall between people who are married or live together.

Okay, here's the thing. You live together. You sleep in the same bed every single night. If you really feel that way, how about walking away from the computer for a moment and saying that to them in person? Does your mate only accept your display of affection if it's on a website? Because clearly, if that message was meant for them and only them, you would tell them in person or write it down in a card. But it's not. It's on public display for me to read and barf at.

Don't get me wrong - I'm glad you two love each other! God knows we need more couples staying together instead of divorcing these days. I just guarantee you anyone can say "I love you, my dear wife. Thanks for taking me out to dinner tonight" way f'ing faster than they can type and publish it on Facebook.

Thank you.


Jenny said...

Gavin and I do this from time to time. And to be honest, I won't stop doing it. Here's the thing - we are very good to tell each other we love each other while around each other. But sometimes I might be away at work or whatever, and I just want to leave him a quick note to let him know that I love him and am thinking of him. I definitely don't think that's a bad thing to do.

Chris said...

You guys aren't married and don't live together yet. Being away for travel is another factor too. I was not referring to you at all. I'm talkin' 'bout married peeps that see each other every single day.

PunkRoqPrncess said...


addy said...

Sean and I hardly ever write on each other's walls. Know why? BECAUSE WE LIVE TOGETHER. And we see each other ALL THE TIME. I get it if you don't live together, if you travel a lot, etc. Heck, Sean is gone 3 nights a week @ work, and sometimes I'm tempted. But typically, if I write something on his wall, it's because 1) I want to embarrass him, or 2) we're making fun of the people who sit next to each other on different computers and write on each others' walls instead of speaking to each other.

Tyler said...

Totally agree. This annoys me to no end.