Monday, April 19, 2010

Home Sweet Home

If all goes well, by the time this post is published, The Wife and I will be homeowners. After three months of looking, we found a condo we liked and put a bid in on it last month. We've been going through the whole process of home inspections, escrow, finalization of loan documents and such. I think the most frustrating part of the thing was the amount of paperwork you have to fill out. I kind of understand, since the paperwork for owning property shouldn't be on the same level as a job application at McDonald's, but it's still fairly annoying.

I really have to say, thank goodness we have iPhones. Yahoo! Mail is blocked at my work, so we were able to stay on top of emails much faster - I think there was one day last week where we got 8 emails in a matter of 20 minutes for something escrow needed "ASAP." The thing they needed, though - I had already sent them a month ago. So lame. Not to rave too much about iPhones but being able to merge phone calls into a conference call was also a big help on many a lunch break.

So...the new place is a 2+2 with an awesomely huge park within walking distance. We have 1 parking spot in a shared garage, and 1 assigned outdoor spot. It's also within walking distance of a Catholic church. Everyone we talked to in this condo complex was really nice and they all said, without fail, that they really enjoyed living there. It's a very exciting time in our lives. It needs a few things done to it which we will hopefully have taken care of in the first week and a half, and then we can start moving in after that. I will take pictures at some point and post them -- perhaps in a more restricted setting like Facebook.


Tyler said...

Sweet! I fogot to email you back to say congratulations because I've been busy lately, so - congratulations! Have fun hanging out at the Home Depot every weekend. If you need some help let me know.

Jenny said...


kristen said...


addy said...

Yay! Can't wait to see it.