Thursday, March 24, 2011


I recently joined a gym for the second time in my life. I had been opposed to the idea for a long time but am finding this go around much more enjoyable than when I went to the YMCA years ago. I joined the gym where The Wife goes but I nearly gave up on the entire idea when I was asked to sign a waiver just to take a tour of the gym. How litigious have we become? I realize I'm walking into a gym with no intention of working out and I may get hit by a stray basketball (even though the door to the court is closed) or one of the weights may come flying off the machines (even though I'm standing at the front counter).

I was also super annoyed by the person who gave me the tour because she was ultra peppy and was like, "So why you want to start working out?" WHY DO YOU THINK??!?! So I can go cram 3 burrito supremes in my throat from the Taco Bell in the parking lot and not feel guilty about it? WHY DO PEOPLE WORK OUT, YOU IDIOT?!

Anyway. I'm glad I started going back. My legs don't hurt as much from softball anymore and dare I say it, I think my hits are going a little bit further. I'm also glad the gym we go to isn't super crowded so despite my negative thoughts to starting - so far, so good.

1 comment:

addy said...

That one is my favorite. In fact, it's the only one I really like. (That specific location, I mean) Maybe someday I'll come meet The Wife for a workout!