Tuesday, May 6, 2008

Lamest Work Meeting Ever

At my old job, I had what I'd easily consider my worst meeting ever. It was standard procedure for someone to write up a project request, then pass it off to our boss who would approve or reject it, depending on if enough details were provided. Then our boss would bring it downstairs and someone would start working on it. Pretty easy, right?

This one particular time, my boss called me into her office to review this project request with her. I glanced at the paper and it looked like a very detailed write-up. My boss then proceeded to "review" the project by reading it to me word for word. She provided absolutely zero further information or insight. After being bored to tears for the 3-5 minute storytime, I think that's when I started looking for a new job.

1 comment:

PunkRoqPrncess said...

well at least you got insight into her level of literacy.