Friday, December 10, 2010


Might as well continue talking about TV shows for this week.  I own the entire runs of 5 television series on DVD...and I don't think I've watched any of them.  My intentions are good - I love the shows!   I want to watch them anytime!  But I just never seem to have any time or interest in watching them again.

There have even been recent shows that I thought were brilliant and I've seriously considered owning (30 Rock) on DVD but given the dust now collected on Joan of Arcadia, Buffy, Angel, Seinfeld and Lost, I think I may be giving up on the principle of owning a television series.

1 comment:

Tyler said...

I've given that up. I have a box full of stuff I want to put up on eBay and half of it is TV DVDs. I know I won't get much for them, but I just don't watch them. Seemed like a good idea at the time.