Thursday, April 28, 2011


Netflix has a growing number of television series available to watch instantly which The Wife and I love.  We don't have rabbit ear antennas or cable service so we currently have about 12 different television seasons in our Instant Queue.

We're plowing our way through Battlestar Galactica which has been really good so far.  Some of the episodes have been duds, but overall the series is intriguing with good plot twists and story progression.  We just started into season 4 so I'm curious to see how it will all wrap up.

Another one we just started watching is Cheers which has quickly become one of my favorite shows.  The show debuted in 1982 which means I was 5 years old when it started.  I remember watching some episodes as I got older with my parents and finding aspects of the show funny but I don't think I would have described it as a favorite.

Having watched the first 8 or so episodes of the first season, I think I have to change my opinion though.  The show is smart, has a great ensemble cast of likable characters and most importantly, the humor still holds up after nearly 30 years.  I haven't seen it recently for comparison's sake, but I'm guessing Growing Pains and Blossom don't really hold up the same.  And of course, the theme song and intro are classic even though it gets stuck in my head way too easily.

Seriously folks, if you have the ability to stream shows from Netflix, give this show a try.

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