Friday, May 8, 2009

Nelson - After the Rain video

While listening to my iPod the other day, I rediscovered this gem of a song - "After the Rain" by the band Nelson. As I was rocking out at my desk, I had a vague recollection about the bizarre music video they made for this song. I seem to remember it involved Native Americans, and some dude wearing a bandana. God bless YouTube. Any Nelson song that can be stretched into a 7 minute music video is GOLD. If Nelson came walking out of my bedroom poster, I'd be scared shitless but this guy takes it pretty well.

I think this video was conceived while smoking peyote, which explains why they kept the Native American in the video. I also remember seeing this video and wondering where in the hell they shot it. Surely, Nelson never did a full tour with a faux rocks and nature stage set, did they?


Tyler said...


I remember seeing this on Headbanger's Ball one night and I had to to ask myself if I had dropped acid earlier in the day. Unfortunately, the answer was no.

kristen said...

sadly, there was a time in my life when i considered Nelson to by my favorite and Matthew Nelson to be my future husband...

oh, the shame...