Wednesday, May 20, 2009


Damn it. My favorite band started using Twitter. So now I'm subscribed to one Twitter feed on my Google Reader. Damn it, damn it, damn it.

I was talking with a friend of mine over the weekend and we both agreed that Twitter is lame because you can do the exact same thing on Facebook, but without all of the photos, videos and interaction. You can update your status on Facebook every second if you wanted to, and it has the incredibly convenient 'wall-to-wall' feature letting you see the conversation between two people, instead of that stupid @username BS, so then you have to click over to someone else's username so you can see what the original comment was.

Can anyone explain to me what advantage Twitter has over Facebook?


PunkRoqPrncess said...

no advantage. all hype. facebook is way better for the reasons that you listed.

your friend is smart ;)

addy said...

Reason: We got to see a John Mayer show of his new songs @ The Hotel Cafe for $5 because of Twitter.

It's good enough for me.

It's also a place I can make all the snarky and snide remarks that come to mind without sounding like a total fucking bitch to all my friends and family on FB. ;-)

Chris said...

I think the John Mayer thing is the only reason I am following them (and possibly other musicians) on Twitter. I'd hate to miss out on something like that...but on the other hand, what's wrong with good old fashioned e-mail? Is sending out an e-mail blast so 1998?