Thursday, May 14, 2009

Earthquake Stories

Last week, there was a mild earthquake at 1:25 on a Thursday, so during the work day. I was in my car at the time and felt my car sway a bit. It honestly felt like a strong Santa Anita breeze - it was no big deal. I had to clock back in so I walked back to find people from my office standing outside. Was there an order to evacuate? I decided to take my chances since I'm new and I wanted to clock back in, at least. I walked back to my desk and sure enough, my least favorite thing about earthquakes started - earthquake stories.

Without fail, whenever an earthquake happens on work time, you can expect the following scenario to happen: 1. mild earthquake happens; 2. people freak out; 3. everyone spends the next 20-30 minutes standing around talking about the earthquake and sharing earthquake stories. This. Annoys. The. Crap. Out. Of. Me.

Why? Because there is no story. Unless something actually falls and breaks, there is no story worth telling. This was a 4.2 and the building barely shook. There is nothing to talk about. Anytime someone came back from lunch, the first thing someone would ask is, "Did you feel the earthquake?" Then they'd talk about the magnitude of this earthquake, what it felt like, where they were when it hit and any other irrelevant stories barely related to earthquakes just so they could kill time. Get back to work, you assholes!


Tyler said...

I thought that's what that was. No one else felt it and I checked a website and it said nothing. I guess I am lucky no one else noticed because I hate earthquake stories too.

PunkRoqPrncess said...

omg!? chripher, you felt the earthquake?? where were you located when it happened!? were the street signs shaking? how strong did it feel?!

this reminds me of this one time that there was an earthquake.. i was at work, and then it started shaking. then we all sat around and talked about the northridge quake.


addy said...

We were in Camarillo when that one hit, and this woman at the table next to us literally had a panic attack. She was FREAKING out and we were all just looking at her like, dude, you live in CA. Deal.

It's kind of the same when I'm at work and we have one - a lot of the people I work with are from NY or other places without earthquakes and we have to spend 20 minutes trying to get them back in the building. So stupid.