Tuesday, April 5, 2011

Take Out the Trash!

So we've had this highly annoying problem in our condo complex lately whereby someone leaves a bag of trash in the shared walkway area outside of our condo unit.  No one seems to know who the culprit is but my guess is that it's some snot-nosed kid whose single mother tells them to take the out the trash, they get about halfway to the dumpster and just leave it there.  My secondary guess is that single mother never walks to her car through this shared walkway area so she never sees the shit job her stupid kid is doing.

The incidents of trash being left there have been increasing so we finally started to do something about.  There was a receipt in the trash bag that was facing right side up and against the side of the bag, so we got a name of the culprit.  We also complained to neighbors so they've been on the lookout as well.

When we got the culprit's name, I decided to do a little bit of good old fashioned Google investigation.  Luckily, this person has a pretty unique name so it was easy to find some hits that unfortunately, led me nowhere.  Ah, but since everyone and their mother (including mine) is on Facebook, I decided to look them up there.  Bingo!  Not only does said person have a profile, but some aspects of it are public so I know where they go to work out (also confirming they live in the same city as me) but I also know which family member of theirs is ill.

The bummer is this person is a renter, not an owner, so the HOA has no record of which unit they live in.  But at least I know what they look like now and we have other neighbors on the lookout on our behalf.

But seriously folks, how hard is it to take out your trash?  Most of you that read this blog know that the dumpsters are a mere 20 feet walk further!  Ugh, so annoying.

(Also as a sidenote, make sure you check your own privacy settings on Facebook as it was way too easy to find said person.)

1 comment:

Tyler said...

This morning there was a large stack of plates and a small trash bag in the hallway, nowhere near a door. Seemed really strange to me. It was almost like it was a hotel and housekeeping was cleaning up the room service plates. I'm pretty sure all of the people down that hallway own, but I have no idea who it was because like I said, it was nowhere near a door. Strange.