Saturday, August 1, 2009

People Who Type Entire Emails into the Subject Line

Once in a while, I get forwarded e-mails from someone in my company. It makes me snicker because they are brief e-mails but the entire body is in the subject line. So it'll look like this:

Fw: to Chris
Subj: Switch out SKU #'s 1111 and 222 in all forthcoming magazine ads from July forward - have Rebecca doublecheck the barcodes

Nothing in the body of the e-mail. Everything's in the subject. I just don't know how to respond to that and luckily I never have to.

1 comment:

Tyler said...

I agree that's lame, they should only do that if it's a short message. I get it at my work, but people put EOM at the end so you know there isn't anything in the body.