Wednesday, May 19, 2010


After last night's episode of Lost wrapped up, we were talking about how we've devoted 6 years of our life to this series. It was kind of weird to think about, because I remember watching the pilot at my mom's house when I lived there. This was before my apartment when I was still working for my first company out of college. Since then, I've worked for two other companies, met and married my awesome wife, moved back into my Mom's house and bought our first condo. All that since little Jacky Shephard crashed on an island 6 years ago.

Anyway. I had a guess about how the show might end - I thought it would end with Jack as the new Jacob protecting the island sitting next to the smoke monster as Locke, as a new group of crash survivors ends up on the island. The cycle would repeat. This fails to resolve the sideways timeline and I think that would leave viewers a little unimpressed. I wonder now if Desmond will in fact blow up the island since we saw the island underwater in the season premiere and everything would resolve and end. Considering the finale's episode is called "The End" it seems like it will be more along those lines.

That, too, seems a little too obvious at this point. It may still happen but I think there will be an even bigger twist or revelation at the end. What about you? Any guesses on what will happen to end the series?


addy said...

As you probably know, Lost lost me in season 3. I've been sort of following it, and I'm curious to see how it ends, but it stopped being "groundbreaking" for me a while ago. So I'm sure that someone out there has figured out how it's going to end. Me, I like happy endings, so I'm hoping that Jack and Kate end up together and Jin and Sun somehow come back from the dead to live happily ever after. But who knows, really. The ending will determine whether or not I go back and watch the seasons I didn't watch live, though.

Tyler said...

Man, I just don't know. I really want it to just be over with at this point. The only real question I want answered is about the sideways time line, and if they don't answer that (it kind of looked like they were starting to in the last episode) I'm gonna be mad. It seems to me that there have been so many format changes throughout the series and that's the reason why people drop out. I really enjoyed the first two seasons where it was about the group trying to survive and each episode was about a character told with the flashbacks. Everything's changed and there are so many characters it's been tough to keep it all straight.

Erica said...

As they have promised so many times, "all of your questions will be answered." Ha Ha Ha.