Tuesday, August 24, 2010

27 Degrees

The attached image is (allegedly) the weather forecast for the next few days. I'm going to go on record as saying it's bullshit and there's no way it will drop 27 degrees between now and Saturday.

Will there be a drop? Maybe, but I highly doubt it will be anywhere as dramatic as my iPhone is indicating. As this article on Cracked points out and this other, in-depth piece referenced in that article, weather forecasters are generally full of malarky.

Check back on Saturday and see how far off they were. My prediction for Saturday - sunny and 85ยบ.


kristen said...

forget 27 degrees, how about that the highest high to the lowest low is a 50 degree change???? thats NUTS!

however, we were 90s last week and are 60s this week, so anything's possible...

Jenny said...

I am hoping that the heat lowers. Heat sucks!