Unfortunately, I watched The Bourne Ultimatum this weekend. So, three films into this series and Bourne finds out...he was a government trained assassin!! Holy crap, did anyone NOT see that coming from the first movie? It took three films to get to this?! Sheesh, they're operating at Lord of the Rings style pace here. This is my biggest complain with movies - when you invest hours of your time and there is such little payoff (aka The Harry Potter Problem). Three films totaling 338 minutes and we learn his name is David Webb and there was a covert government program to train assassins. Wow. Thank you, Hollywood, for wasting my time.
Word is they're in negotiations for a 4th movie. I can only hope it will involve Jason Bourne running away from the government and finding out a small piece about his past. You know, because that would make it totally different than the first 3 films.
I am crossing my fingers so tightly they take a radical turn with the 4th one and call it Bourne Again. In this installment, Jason Bourne turns to God for forgiveness for his past sins. Bourne takes a vow of silence, joins a monastery and then confronts government officials from his past, turning them all into Christians. I'd pay 20 bucks to see that. Make it happen, Hollywood. Check out my comp for the movie image (click to enlarge):

Dude. The Bourne movies kick so much ass. It's about the ride, not the plot. Take the movies for what they are (action fluff), and maybe you'll like them better!
I would think plot would be the #1 factor in a movie, even though a lot of movies these days are more about the special effects. I'm pretty critical of movies, I admit.
I think what bugs me about the Bourne movies is how everyone raves about them, when in fact, they're pretty thin on plot. Bourne Ultimatum made some critics' Top 10 lists for that year. Ten BEST? WTF, mate?
i like the first installment of the bourne trilogy. the others are OK. poor matty.
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