Wednesday, September 17, 2008

E-Mail Forwards

I got an e-mail forward today from one of my fiancee's relatives that reminded me why I hate them so much. This e-mail violated both of my pet peeves -

1) Those ones where you "sign a petition" and pass it on to everyone in your address book don't work because...everyone has different address books! Person #12 in my address book doesn't know person #3, or even know if they signed it. So now there are multiple versions of one thing. The only way these e-mail "petition" things could conceivably work is to send it to one person at a time.

2) Research, research, RESEARCH. Guess what - if you're checking your e-mail, you're already on the internet. Do your research before telling me there's a movie about gay Jesus coming out, that cellphones will soon be assaulted by telemarketers or that the word 'picnic' is offensive to African-Americans. Google found all three of those results in about 5 seconds each.

I shake my fist at you, internet forwards!


addy said...

YAY! You shook your fist! I might link this post on I Shake!

Tyler said...

Oh man, I had forgotten about this website: Engrish Funny. Hours of entertainment. I'm dying over here.

And yeah, e-mail forwards are the worst.

PunkRoqPrncess said...

I dont know if it would even work if you sent it to one person at a time.. what if I sent you a petition and you signed it, then sent it to your fiancee, who then sent it to me? I'd be too lazy to send it out again, since I already signed it.

Anonymous said...

Cool blog. Have you heard about You should check it out. I think they have a cool approach to drive something positive out of email forwards and best of all, it automatically links to snopes.