So, I saw a commercial last night for the new movie starring Matthew Perry and Zac Effron called 17 Again. In the movie, Matthew Perry gets to be a teenager again. I think I liked this movie concept better when it was called 13 Going on 30, which I liked better when it was called 18 Again!, Dream a Little Dream, Big and Freaky Friday. Seriously, Hollywood? Rehashing crap makes it crap twice over.
Yeah, Kevin & Bean were talking about it a couple of weeks ago; the idea has been done to death.
You forgot these body switching classics:
"Like Father Like Son", which starred Kirk Cameron and Dudley Moore. And yes, it was a train wreck.
"Vice Versa" which was in theaters at THE SAME TIME as "Like Father Like Son" and featured Fred Savage and Judge Reinhold. This movie may have singlehandedly killed both of their careers.
"Switch" which had a little bit of a twist in that a womanizer named Steve (Perry King) was murdered and reincarnated as a "hot" woman (Ellen Barkin). Hilarity ensues when his best friend Walter (Jimmy Smits) tries to sleep with her/him.
Why do I know way too much about these movies? My older sister got to pick movies half of the time when we rented them from (Where?) The Wherehouse.
You forgot about "All of Me" starring Steve Martin and Lily Tomlin. I'm just so glad that Efron backed out of the remake of "Footloose." I really hope the idea of remaking that film dies!
Awesome, I hadn't heard that he backed out of Footloose. I can't imagine how they can remake that movie anyway - it's so 80s.
Dood, I am disappointed he backed out of Footloose, that would have been the train wreck of all train wrecks.
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