Thursday, March 11, 2010


For some bizarre reason, my doctor's office has never gotten my last name name right. For the sake of this story (and my own privacy), let's say my last name is Lieber. I showed up for my first appointment with them, handed them my ID and health card, and they put me in the system as Lieberg. I have told them twice to change it and both times, they told me they changed it.

Last week, I got a letter in the mail from them addressed to Chris Lieberg. *sigh*

It's really weird because each time I call for an appointment, I spell out my last name L-I-E-B-E-R, and they find me in the system. I never mention the G but it's always f'ing there on my record.

The last time I called, I spelled out my last name L-I-E-B as in Bob, E-R and the woman was like, "Okay, and your first name is Bob?" So clearly they don't hire the most intelligent people at this health group.

1 comment:

Tyler said...

Oh my God, the Bob thing at the end is the kicker. Both of my names are always misspelled, now I am actually more shocked when someone spells my name right because that doesn't seem to happen very often.